Selasa, 19 Juli 2011

Welcome 9th grade !

hiyahahahahaha !

long time no post anything -.- hohoho :)
hmm ..

I'm in IX-E with my beloved sister Melani Kawilarang now :) hohohoho
it so good to hear that , but one i dont  like that i must leave my bestfriend at IX-D -.-
alalalalala ~ thats not happened right ?
i still can be with her at break time :) hohohoho
talking together and playing together , so that not happened :)

so its my second day at 9th grade :)
hmm , whats going on?
I have a new friends :)
lots of friends .. hohohoho ..

maybe its they name *sorry if i forget d' boys :p im not too remember your names* :
cherrol , angelita , melani , george , aaron , ghea , ivana , christy , zefanya , imaa, yuki , *errr* , gee , jape , gaby , chika , *errrr* tata , natasha , cica , mario , kenji , ricky , mugi , efrem *errrr ..* sorry i forget hahahaha lol then , i forget 12people hahahaha *plakkkk* hohohoho :)

so then , Hello my new friend or old friend :)
nice to meet you again in same class :)
love yaa all my friends

Happy ending ,

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